Vincent Love

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Legal Aid

Vincent Love is a Panel Solicitor with the Legal Aid Commission of NSW in Family and Criminal Law.

How do I apply for legal aid?

Applying for legal aid means that you are asking Legal Aid to represent you or to pay for the cost of a private lawyer to represent you in court.
This is called a grant of legal aid.
Legal Aid is not free. Most people will have to pay a contribution. The amount depends on your financial situation and the area of law.

Legal Aid NSW is a state funded body providing legal assistance in matters arising under New South Wales law.
Legal Aid NSW also has an agreement with the Commonwealth to provide legal assistance in matters arising under Commonwealth law.
Legal Aid NSW has developed a range of policies to make decisions which are fair, consistent and financially responsible and target those individuals in the community who have been determined as having high priority for Legal Aid Services.

Click here to visit Legal Aid New South Wales

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